Helping Refugees and Asylum Seekers
across the Thames Valley
01753 537142
Welcome to Slough Refugee Support
Slough Refugee Support – SRS – is a registered charity focused exclusively on the needs of refugees and asylum seekers.
Established in 1997, we welcome and offer practical help to some of the most marginalised people in the local community - helping them with the many obstacles they face in their efforts to settle, contribute and thrive in the UK.
Our philosophy and approach is rooted in the belief that refugees want and need to achieve self-reliance and independence as soon as they can. Our core programme is based around drop-in advice sessions and follow-up casework to resolve identified issues.
Telephone Advice Line on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ring 01753 537142 or email
Free confidential legal advice by OISC accredited caseworkers up to Level 2 and a solicitor. Help given in asylum support and accessing initial benefits.
Family Support, Job Search and Classes
Our Family Support Worker helps families access medical, educational and social support. Job Search, English, Sewing and IT classes, some with creche support, run regularly.